Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Mr President, Shut up and drill!

My family in Alaska posted that gas prices reached the $4.29-$4.39 per gallon range. It wont be long and this will make its way to the lower states. The problem is the government, are you surprised? Our President that claimed there would be no ground troops in Libya, yet we have our Marines in force. He states "the US economy cant afford a shut down." Yet he gives 2 Billion dollars to Brazil to DRILL? Really? We cant afford to take care of our own problems, yet he is giving away BILLIONS? Really? I am sure that is fine with China as they pretty much own the US and dont mind taking on more of our debt. Everyone get out your Rosetta Stone and start brushing up on your Chinese.
Why are we not supporting are own? Why are not drilling here? How much more will it take people? I dont know about you but there isnt any "play" in my budget for anymore price increases.
I do know however that he has announced he is running in 2012, I sure as hell will continue my campaign to NOT vote for Obama.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Forever home

You all know how much I love my Jake right?  Tomorrow 3/15 is Jakes 1st Birthday! I will be donating my Facebook status and will be posting and reposting my love of Petfinder! 
I was lucky to find my Jake and I believe that all animals deserve to live a life filled with love.
Please take a moment to check out Petfinder, perhaps you have room in your heart and home for a new friend that needs a forever home?